Happy holidays! This will be my final message for the year and what a busy year it has been for RDA Orana.
Our first month back together as a team involved planning new programs and projects, mapping out our upcoming events, and finalising a number of large scale research projects and submissions. During our planning workshops The Vault Talent Bank, The Orana Jobs Board and the Orana Youth Forum were conceptualised as part of RDA Orana’s workforce plan. We relaunched the Orana Grants Hub, a free online platform designed to simplify the grant search and application process.
One of our flagship events The 2024 Inland Growth Summit - People and Place was in full swing from 21-22 February with more than 200 people attending the two-day event each day. Topics included circular and sustainability, training and education, people and community, rural and remote health, and tourism and hospitality which created robust discussion between panelists and the audience.
I hit the road again in March to building relationships with our local government stakeholders, meetings in Bourke, Nyngan, Cobar, Warren and Brewarrina and a out to Wilcannia. I also attended NSW Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association last week at the annual state conference in Dubbo. The Chair, Brad Cam and I also attended the annual RDA NSW/ACT Chair and CEO Committee Meeting, which was followed by a luncheon at Parliament House with State and Federal Ministers. We also launched the Vault Talent Bank at the Mink and Me annual Long Lunch in Coonamble to a crowd of more than 300 regional women.
April was a huge month of celebration for RDA Orana with the requested variation to the Orana DAMA approved and the finalisation of the Orana Hunter Connections and Beyond - Golden Highway Transport Study. Our lobbying efforts for a geographical expansion to the Orana DAMA was granted which resulted in an additional 46 local government areas across NSW being included to benefit from a further 64 occupations and a number of concessions, now covering 60% of NSW. This was an incredible milestone for RDA Orana and regional NSW to assist with workforce shortages across the state. It could not have been achieved without the support from our outgoing Federal Member for Parkes Mark Coulton who was instrumental with the lobbying process.
We officially took over the management of The Exchange, now known as the Exchange Orana. A very exciting time for all of us moving from Church St to the beautiful clock tower. Orana RDA welcomed two new board members to the team who both have strong ties within the communities they live in and are advocates for social and economic development in the region. Brewarrina Shire Council General Manager, David Kirby and Bourke Administrative Services owner, Lisa Crothers joined the team as we farewell outgoing board members Taronga Western Plains Zoo Director, Steve Hinks and Dubbo entrepreneur, Kerrieanne Nichols.
Our new website was launched in June and provides a clean, modern design with improved site navigation to help our users find what they are looking for and better represent us as an organisation. Another major business case was finalised with the Inland NSW Growth Alliance (INGA) Innovation Hub submitted to the NSW Government. The INGA Innovation Hub is set to become a state significant project for the region, and is designed to deliver a unique hub-and-spoke model of industry activation.
We announced our collaboration with the Board of the Baaka Cultural Centre Wilcannia Aboriginal Corporation and Central Darling Shire Council to provide project management, executive support and implementation management for the nearly completed Cultural and Art Centre. Construction work is currently underway to transform a once derelict site into a state-of-the-art $9.5 million Baaka Cultural and Art Centre at Wilcannia with a soft opening early 2025.
I attended the Regions Leading Their own Development executive education program, in Canberra, which was hosted by Regional Australia Institute. It was an invaluable opportunity with some familiar faces and met many new ones - building connections from across the country to be able to benefit our region.
The annual Resources Energy and Industry Innovation forum was held with an amazing line-up of talented and insightful speakers who provided an update as to what was occurring in our region, across the state, country and the world in the resources and energy sector. More than 40 speakers presented to an audience of 250 people, which concluded with a resources tour.
Another major coup was the announcement of the Welcome Experience Orana. RDA Orana successfully secured the tender to deliver the project with dedicated local connectors based in Bourke, Walgett and Dubbo/Wellington. The program offers a free concierge style service to support essential workers and their families who are considering applying for or have accepted a job in regional NSW.
In collaboration with Errin and Vinne Williamson from Jimmy Barnet Espresso we launched the ‘Revitalisation of Jimmy Barnet Espresso and The Plaza’ with an aim to foster stronger community connections and a welcoming environment. An art installation was placed on the building and The Plaza was set up with tables and chairs, bean bags and kids games while Jimmy Barnet Espresso opened a second window alongside The Plaza with an all new spring/summer menu.
September was a big month for the Baaka Cultural and Art Centre as we were excited to announce the central ellipse permanent exhibition tender was awarded to museum design specialist Multistory, led by Creative Director Scott Watson. The central ellipse permanent exhibition, will be the heart of the centre and tell the story of Aboriginal people of the middle and lower Darling River region.
We hosted our long-awaited Orana-Hunter Connections and Beyond Golden Highway Transport Roundtable meeting in collaboration with RDA Hunter. The aim of the meeting was to officially launch and discuss the outcomes of the two business cases. The event included presentations from key stakeholders including the Minister for Regional Transport and Roads, The Hon Jenny Aitchison MP, Port of Newcastle, EnergyCo and Transport for NSW. The outcome of the meeting resulted in the formation of a Golden Highway Taskforce, which will help lobby for infrastructure improvements to minimise impacts on local communities while keeping freight moving safely and efficiently between the Orana and Hunter regions and the Port of Newcastle.
After the local government elections, we welcomed a number of new faces to our regional local government stakeholders with new Mayors and Deputy Mayors appointed.
As part of RDA Orana’s workforce plan, we are aiming to grow our own workforce - a key part of this plan is providing employment pathways to the region's youth. We were proud to launch the inaugural Orana Youth Forum in November, which aimed to provide our high school students from the region with an opportunity to speak with potential employers about their career prospects, ranging from trainee and apprenticeships through to the opportunities available with university positions. Feedback from the event has been extremely positive and we are looking forward to building on a bigger and brighter event for 2025.
We were also recognised by a group of our peers at the 2024 RDA Awards, which acknowledge the significant contributions that RDAs make in support of their communities. We received a special commendation in Investing in Services for the RDA Orana - Orana Hunter Connections and Beyond: Golden Highway Transport Study. This commendation recognises initiatives or projects that delivered significant outcomes for their communities.
We announced our collaboration with The Connection Table, an innovative online networking platform that unites and supports leaders from across regional, rural and remote Australia.
The goal of The Connection Table is to facilitate meaningful connections and offer continuous support to leaders who are committed to making an impact in their communities and beyond. The partnership between RDA Orana and The Connection Table will allow for 10 leaders across the region to have access to the platform for 12 months and take advantage of professional development, networking and board role promotion.
The Exchange Orana opened its doors to the talented mother and daughter art duo, Lorraine Holland and Laura Dunkley and we hosted the first art exhibition being held at the building since being acquired by RDA Orana. More than 100 guests attended the exhibition launch. It will be the first of many exhibitions and I hope The Exchange Orana becomes a special place for emerging, mid-career and established artists from across the region to exhibit their works and tell their stories.
And that’s a wrap!
Thank you to the RDA Orana Board for your continued support and a huge shout out to the incredible RDA Orana team. The achievements made in the past year have been a team effort of like-minded people who are all passionate about our region. The growth of the RDA Orana team means we now have offices located in Dubbo, Bourke, Walgett and Wilcannia to provide great support to the region.
We will be closing the office from 20 December 2023 to 6 January 2024 and we look forward to working with you in the new year.
I wish everyone a very happy holiday season. Keep cool, enjoy your family and friends, stay safe on the roads and make the most of the amazing region we live in.