RDA Orana and Hunter officially launched the Orana Hunter Connections and Beyond Golden Highway Transport Study business cases at this week's roundtable meeting with the Minister for Regional Transport and Roads, The Hon Jenny Aitchison MP.
The roundtable meeting included keynote speakers from the Port of Newcastle, EnergyCo and Transport for NSW who spoke to a large audience of industry, business and state and local government representatives who all have an interest in the upgrade of the Golden Highway road and rail corridor.
The Golden Highway serves as the backbone of our region’s economy supporting more than 2.5 million tonnes of freight in the corridor, travelling by road and rail.
This volume is expected to reach an estimated 6.3 million tonnes over the next decade due to the expansion in renewable energy and mining sectors.
These changes require a plan of infrastructure improvements that will minimise impacts on local communities while keeping freight moving safely and efficiently between the Orana and Hunter regions and the Port of Newcastle.
The Road Corridor Business Case, proposes upgrades including bridge replacements, bridge widening, new overtaking lanes, upgrades to railway crossings and intersections, while the Rail Corridor Business Case aims to enhance the competitiveness of Australian exports, reduce environmental impacts through decreased road freight, and improve safety by reducing traffic accidents and fatalities.
The business cases confirm the value of improving the Golden Highway road and rail connections between our regions so we can maximise our shared competitive advantages and seize the once-in-a-lifetime development opportunities for the benefit of our communities and a long-term view.
A key outcome of the roundtable meeting was the support for the formation of a Golden Highway Taskforce, which will help lobby for infrastructure improvements to minimise impacts on local communities while keeping freight moving safely and efficiently between the Orana and Hunter regions and the Port of Newcastle.
Orana Youth Forum
The countdown is on with only five days until the inaugural ACEREZ and EnergyCo Orana Youth Forum.
The Forum will provide an opportunity for young people in the region to hear from business, industry leaders, universities and training providers about jobs for the future and how the next generation will be growing and building our region.
The event will include speaker sessions and an exhibition hall featuring more than 30 exhibits from a cross-section of business, vocational, apprenticeship and trainee providers, industry representation and tertiary institutions, along with an outdoor activity space.
We’ve secured an exciting lineup of keynote speakers in the theatre to inspire our young people, including:
- Australian School of Entrepreneurship CEO, Jahin Tanvir
- Tie Dye Project President and 2024 Dubbo Citizen of the Year, Molly Croft
- ABC Heywire Winner, Kirra Hampson
This will be followed by an industry and opportunities session featuring:
- Squadron Energy First Nations Engagement Facilitator, Justin Toomey-White
- Precision Pastures Soils and Pasture Agronomist and General Manager Operations, Drew Walsh
- Tomingley Gold Operations Third Year Electrical Apprentice, Jack Finlayson
- Marathon Health Speech Pathologist, Paige Hughes and Occupational Therapist, Hannah Brooker
- Australian Government Regional Education Commissioner, The Hon. Fiona Nash
The afternoon session will feature an interactive workshop with University of NSW Senior Lecturer, Sandeep Kirpalani who will focus on careers in new energy, circular economies and sustainability.
Thank you to our sponsors who have supported the Forum including naming sponsors EnergyCo and ACEREZ and our gold sponsors, Brewarrina Shire Council, Dubbo Regional Council, NSW Mining and Tilt Renewables.